2nd Annual New York Passive House Symposium - New York, USA


Sat 8 Jun 2013 – Sun 9 Jun 2013
City College of New York (The Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture), NY, USA

The 2nd Annual New York Passive House Symposium is now open for registration. With an opening presentation by Dr. Berthold Kaufmann of the Passivhaus Institut, this year's event will give you the opportunity to engage with some of the industry's leading professionals, exploring the effectiveness of Passive House as a cornerstone of our low-energy, low-emissions future. We can proudly confirm that Ms. Joke (Yoka) Dockx of the Brussels Environment and Chris Benedict of the Architecture and Energy Limited will also be presenting at NY13 and have agreed to be part of our panel sessions; giving you the unique opportunity to engage and share thoughts and practice's in the Passive House arena. Date: Saturday, June 8th, 2013 Time: 8:30 to 5:15pm (Expo & registration are open from 8:00am) Venue: City College of New York (The Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture) Attendance fee: $150 per person Includes: Entry into NY13 Expo and all presentations. Buffet lunch with morning & afternoon refreshments. Free entry into the NY13 networking event for cheese and wine. Find out more & register here: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001hZh_S1QkwoMWxmWjWx7doKsLnV8_gMZiTb2LkCLnUE5wnwpYmaZELgDjxvcq1ibodnSHlgIP0evVYxrcL6pQuDQ1tDey-Ix_g0Hv5D64dIFGkU513fyD0CM_5nniKu7f46NYEW2tl9x8djk36HQp9A== For more information please contact our registration team at registration@rightevents.net