1st Italian Passive House Conference


Sat 20 Oct 2012 10:30 – 13:00
Made Expo 2012 in Milan Rho, Italy

1st Italian Passive House Conference entitled " Refurbish and build with the Passive House standard" Saturday, October 20th inside the MADE Expo 2012 in Milan, with the extraordinary participation of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Feist, director of the Passive House Institute. In occasion of the largest Italian international exhibition of building trade and architecture, the Made Expo 2012 which will be held in Milan Rho from 17th to 20th of October, ZEPHIR will be present within the "Smart Village", (see Edilportale website: www.edilportale.com / smartvillage / smartvillage.asp) an area of 2,000 square meters within the expo, organized by Edilportale and Agorà in collaboration with MADE 2012, totally dedicated to sustainability and energy efficiency issues. At the "Smart Village" the following events will take place: conferences, seminars, technical workshops, thematic areas, exposure of a 1:1 scale Passivhaus module, exhibition of projects, info-point of the companies, with activities that involve communication and information directed to designers, visitors and to companies that develop materials and technologies in this field. In particular, Saturday, October 20th at 14:30, will be held the 1st Italian Passive House Conference which will be opened by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Feist, the developer of the Passive House concept and director of PHI. Main topics of the conference: the Italian situation concerning nearly zero energy and Passivhaus buildings, cost analysis and construction details, the validity of the Passive House concept at different latitudes and close examination of valuable experiences in Italy and in the Mediterranean region, where cooling can finally become the major part of the yearly demand. For more information visit the following links: www.edilportale.com/eventi/2012/fiera-milano-rho/convegno-nazionale-passivhaus_9716.html http://www.zephir.ph/eventi.php?id=24