2012 Passive House Symposium, New York, USA


Sat 23 Jun 2012 – Sun 24 Jun 2012
Sciame Auditorium 141 Convent Avenue Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture The City College of New York New York, NY 10031

The 2012 Passive House Symposium is a one day exploration of some of the many Passive House projects underway in the New York area. The symposium will demonstrate how local architects, builders and owners are meeting the demanding Passive House standard, and making a substantive contribution to New York's climate change mitigation efforts. Presentations will include Certified projects, projects under construction and projects in development. Projects range from rowhouses, to multi-family to commercial and institutional building types. To register just click here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=xj9mnbeab&oeidk=a07e5y2wnhrdf6f3509&oseq=a012dgigz25ca