High Performance Building Envelope Workshop - San Antonio, TX, USA


Tue 6 Mar 2012 – Fri 9 Mar 2012
San Antonio, TX, USA

US Army Corps of Engineers in collaboration with the Passive House Institute (PHI) and Passive House Academy (PHA) are organizing High Performance Building Envelope Workshop which will take place in San Antonio, TX on March 6-8, 2012. More than 100 participants from the Army, Navy, AF, GSA and DOE as well as private sector contractors are expected. The workshop is geared toward architects, engineers, project managers and contractors and will address topics relevant to new construction and deep energy retrofits. This will be a unique opportunity to learn from the world class experts in building sciences and I am sure this workshop will be of interest to you and your organization. PHI's Berthold Kaufman will give multiple Passive House talks through the three days and Wolfgang Feist, director of the Passive House Institute, will make a special video appearance. Manufacturers /consultants interested in exhibiting should contact iPHA for more info!