Passi'bat 2011 - Paris, France


Wed 14 Dec 2011 – Fri 16 Dec 2011
Parc Floral de Paris - Hall 3 - Paris, France
Classification: PUBLIC

Passi’bat, France's national Passive House conference, offers Passive House stakeholders in France an opportunity to learn about the concept, its uptake and potential constraints, as well as the latest developments and solutions available on the market. Parallel to the conference, an exhibition provides a unique opportunity to learn about components designed for sustainable and very low energy buildings. Organised by La Maison Passive France, this new national Passive House event aims to establish and advance know-how in highly energy efficient building in France. The programme includes a live video conference with Wolfgang Feist offering a review of the first 20 years of the Passive House concept as well as a keynote speech by PHI's Jürgen Schnieders presenting the uptake of Passive House around the world - "from Shanghai to Las Vegas".