Passivhaus Trust Retrofit event – London, UK


Mon 5 Dec 2011 14:00 – 21:00
The Royal College of Physicians, 11 St Andrews Place, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4LE

Beyond the Green Deal: Refurbishment to exemplary low-energy standards This event, organised jointly with the Good Homes Alliance (GHA), will look at refurbishment standards beyond the Green Deal, including the EnerPHit standard. Speakers will outline different policy standards both across Europe and in the UK, and describe practical examples of refurbishment to exemplar standards. Further presentations will then consider the social and economic implications of exemplar low-energy retrofit. Speakers include: Paul Ruyssevelt, Technology Strategy Board; Andy Simmonds, Simmonds Mills; Fran Bradshaw, Anne Thorne Architects; John Barnham, Orbit Housing. Costs: Free to PHT and GHA members, £100 + VAT for non-members More details and programme can be found here: To book a place at this event please email Roger Southcott