A Better World by Design Conference - Providence RI, USA


Fri 30 Sep 2011 – Mon 3 Oct 2011
Providence RI, USA
Classification: PUBLIC

A Better World by Design is a completely student-organized conference that places innovation and impact over individual success. The conference exposes participants to a variety of perspectives, both theoretical and practical, on some of the most pressing current issues. By attending the conference, participants will meet hundreds of inspiring professionals and students at daytime discussions and workshops, or the Friday and Saturday night social events, two perennial highlights for our attendees. This year's presentations and workshops will include a videoconference by Wolfgang Feist. At Better World, any casual conversation can spark opportunities for collaboration; with over 1,000 attendees, you are sure to meet someone who can help move your initiative forward. For more information go to: http://www.abetterworldbydesign.com/2011-conference/