PassivHaus - 20 Years of Experience in Very Low Energy Buildings - Cambridge, UK


Fri 4 Mar 2011 18:00 – 19:30
Lecture Room MR2, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK
Classification: PUBLIC The first modern passive house was completed in 1990. Over the past twenty years a further 20,000 have been built across Europe, and extensive energy monitoring is being carried out on around 2,000 of these buildings. The results from this monitoring have proven that not only do these buildings consume just one-tenth the energy of the average existing buildings of comparable dimensions, but they also offer improved indoor comfort and healthy indoor air quality. Besides these improvements, it has been shown that the construction costs can be limited to an affordable level. Professor Feist, the founder and director of the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt, will be presenting the experiences gained from projects and monitoring of passive house buildings over the last 20 years. He is the scientific head of the study group on cost effective passive houses and of the European Thermie research project CEPHEUS. He received the National German Environmental Award and International Environmental Award of the City of Gothenborg. Open to all. No registration required. Refreshments will be provided after the lecture during a networking session.