Emu Passive Pod Workshop & CPHT Course - Denver, Colorado


Mon 11 May 2020 – Sat 16 May 2020
Emu Systems, Arvada, CO, USA

Registration link: https://emu.systems/training/cpht/registration/ 4d COURSEWORK & HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS + 2hr ACCREDITATION EXAM Learn about the most advanced construction standard in the world, how to implement passive principles in your projects, and everything necessary to become a Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT) through the International Passivhaus Institute (PHI). Open to all tradespeople and project team members with working knowledge of construction. Get advanced building science training as a PHI Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT). The course/workshop is accredited by the international Passive House Institute, and covers the following in-depth topics, ultimately earning you the designation as a Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT): - Passive design and construction interdisciplinary basics - The economic case for high-performance building in North America - Moisture management strategies and air tightness - Thermal insulation and thermal bridges - High performance windows and doors - Mechanical ventilation for healthy, low-load buildings - Applying high-performance to existing buildings - Quality assurance measures on site Workshop: Build a Passive Pod Student builders will apply their learning to the construction of a self-contained mini Passive House Pod. In keeping with the class learning objectives, they’ll be able to get their hands dirty trying out different products in a brand-neutral environment. Registration link: https://emu.systems/training/cpht/registration/