Certified Passive House Tradesperson course Part 1 - Denver, Colorado, USA


Thu 16 Feb 2017 – Sun 19 Feb 2017
Website: http://www.emu.systems/training/

Become a PHI Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT). More info: emu.systems/training/ Learn about the most advanced construction standard in the world, how to implement passive principles in your projects, and everything necessary to become a Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT) through the International Passivhaus Institute (PHI). Open to all tradespeople with working knowledge of construction. In collaboration with Passive House Rocky Mountains, and hosted at Tradecraft Industries. COURSE PART 1 - Denver, CO - February 16-18, 2017 Three full days of coursework taught by Certified Builder Trainer, Enrico Bonilauri of Emu Systems. Day 1 - Interdisciplinary Principles Day 2 - Building Envelope Day 3 - Building Services COURSE PART 2 - Denver, CO - March 2017 One follow up day of coursework, applying learning objectives to renovation projects. Exact date TBD. PHI Exam - Denver, CO - May 19, 2017 Optional, but passing score is required to gain the 'Certified Passive House Tradesperson' accreditation. Liity Google Hangoutsilla: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/bWFyaWEucml2ZXJvQHBhc3Npdi5kZQ._6kr32c1n68q3ib9o6d2j8b9k6so38b9p8op3ab9p8d146d1j88s34di170?hs=121