Certified Passive House Tradesperson Course - by Target Zero


Mon 23 Jun 2014 – Fri 27 Jun 2014
Nottingham, United Kingdom

4 day Certified Passive house Tradesperson Course this November The aim of this training for the ”Certified Passive House Tradesperson” certificate is to convey an overall impression of the interdisciplinary Passive House concept to tradesmen involved in the construction industry. The course includes various practical demonstrations and exercises. · PH Principals, Criteria, U-Values, Heating Degree Hours, Heat Loss · Thermal Bridging, Building Envelope, PH Windows · Airtightness Testing & Implementation, Thermal Imaging · Ventilation & Heating · Supervision, PH refurbishments, Revision. Liity Google Hangoutsilla: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/bWFyaWEucml2ZXJvQHBhc3Npdi5kZQ.mekqr0u39bfvkrpm9m7m42us0c?hs=121