Italian CEPH Course organized by ZEPHIR


Mon 23 Sep 2013 – Thu 26 Sep 2013
"Zona K" - via Spalato 11 - Milano (MI) - Italy

Italian CEPH Course organized by ZEPHIR: Module 1: 09-10 September 2013 Module 2: 16-17-18 September 2013 Module 3: 23-24-25 September 2013 Module 4: 30 September - 01-02 October 2013 Pre-Test Extra: 07 October 2013 Language: Italian Course content: 1. Passive House criteria 2. Passive House advantages: comfort, quality, security 3. Building envelope: Highly insulated, thermal-bridge-free, airtight Windows: crucial for comfort without radiators 4. Building services: Controlled ventilation with heat recovery Auxiliary heat supply for heating Heat supply for DHW (domestic hot water) 5. Working with the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) 6. Economic feasibility of Passive Houses 7. Practical implementation, quality assurance In the CEPH course, will also be entered the new modules of 1 hours each (by ZEPHIR) for: 8. solar design using dynamic simulation software 9. the new Standard EnerPHit: passive refurbishments of existing buildings 10. engineering and construction management of a Passivhaus building CEPH Exam: Date: 19 October 2013 Date: 06 December 2013 Location: Business Innovation Center (BIC), Viale Dante 300, Pergine Valsugana (TN), Italy Language: Italian You can find more information about the Italian CEPH course and exams organized by ZEPHIR at this three links on ZEPHIR website at the Services-Training section : Course: Exam 1: Exam 2: