Train the trainer course - Sofia, Bulgaria


Tue 11 Jun 2013 – Thu 13 Jun 2013
Sofia, Bulgaria

Qualified designers and craftspeople are key to the large scale implementation of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings. Within the EU funded PassREg project, existing courses for Passive House designers and tradespeople, previously developed by the Passive House Institute, are being translated into various European languages and adapted to regional climatic conditions and building traditions. In order to ensure that these trainings will be rolled on a large scale and beyond the duration of the PassREg project, future course providers from different EU countries are being trained to hold these courses throughout Europe. The first round of “Train the Trainer“ courses was held in Antwerp, Belgium, on 5 & 6 March and in Cesena, Italy, on 25 & 26 March 2013. An additional course will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 11 and 12 June 2013. All those interested in becoming accredited Passive House Designer and Tradesperson Trainers themselves are invited to contact iPHA at