Passivhaus Tradesperson (Envelope & Services) Day 1 by Target Zero


Mon 18 Feb 2013 – Tue 19 Feb 2013
Midland Energy Training & Assessment Centre, Mountrath, Portlaoise, Ireland.

AIM From the outside, Passive House buildings are no different from conventional buildings, because the term “Passive House” refers to a standard and not a certain construction method. Good planning and careful implementation of details are decisive factors in the construction of Passive House buildings, the world’s leading standard in low energy, sustainable construction. The aim of this training for the ”Certified Passive House Tradesperson” certificate is to convey an overall impression of the interdisciplinary Passive House concept to tradesmen involved in the construction industry. CONTENT Passive House – Interdisciplinary principles Passive House Definition Passive House Criteria The 5 pillars of the Passive House principles Ecology and comfort PHPP and other planning principles Economic efficiency Construction process and quality assurance User information and user support Basic principles: Thermal insulation in the Passive House Basic principles: thermal bridge free construction Basic principles. Passive House windows Airtightness Basic principles: Ventilation Basic principles: Heat supply 2.0 Specialisation according to discipline – Building Envelope Thermal insulation in the Passive House Thermal bridge free construction Windows and other transparent exterior components Summer comfort Refurbishment of existing buildings using Passive House components 3.0 Specialisation according to discipline – Building Services Passive House ventilation Heating in the Passive House For Further Details Visit: