Part 3: Passive House window – Advanced Seminar - Carlow, Ireland


Wed 19 Sep 2012 – Thu 20 Sep 2012
Passive House Training centre, Carlow Gateway, Athy Road, Carlow

Windows, including thermal bridges and air-tight connections play a crucial role for the comfort and energy efficiency of a passive house. You will learn the specific requirements for window frames, glazing and doors, adequate materials, details and the reference method for the detection Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) know. Practical exercises reinforce the knowledge imparted. Windows, glazing, doors Requirements for U-values ​​and surface temperatures Impact on comfort and Heatability Detection methods for windows: EN 10077 Part 1 and 2 Components: frames, glazing, glass edge, shading, roof windows Overview of the relevant work areas with PHPP (Passive House Planning Package) Examples of joint details in Concrete and timber Design criteria for thermal bridging and air-tight connection details Exercises: U-value calculation, detailed development and discussion