Certified Passive House Tradesperson - NYC, USA


Mon 28 May 2012 – Sat 2 Jun 2012
Associateion for Energy Affordability, 105 Bruckner Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10454.

The Passive House Academy (PHA) in collaboration with the Association for Energy Affordability (AEA) is offering a week long training course geared to building contractors - on Passive House/high-performance building methodology. The course provides invaluable insight for builders on actual techniques, including hands on mock-ups and exercises, making explicit job site strategies for successfully building Passive House level construction. The course is accredited by the Passive House Intitute (PHI) and students are encouraged to sit for the exam following the course. A successful exam result will provide participants with the "Certified Passive House Tradesman" credential, issued by PHI. When: May 28 - June 1st (Exam June 2nd.) Where: Associateion for Energy Affordability, 105 Bruckner Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10454. For more information email info@passivehouseacademy.com.