Changes to design­PH sup­port re­sources

Our design­PH sup­port ser­vices have mov­ed to new loc­a­tions so that you can lo­gin with the same user­name and pass­word that you use for the Pass­ive House Portal.

Soft­ware down­load

Provided at the Pass­ive House Portal:

User manu­al

The on­line manu­al (powered by Book­stack) is now found at:

If you still need to ac­cess the old 'wiki' manu­al, it will be avail­able here for a short time:


The design­PH for­ums are now found in the main PHI for­um site (powered by Dis­course). 

Please lo­gin us­ing the  PHI SSO  op­tion, us­ing the same user­name and pass­word as for the Pass­ive House Portal:

You can find 3 design­PH sub-cat­egor­ies there:

  • FAQs
  • Ques­tions & Feed­back
  • Fea­ture re­quests

Li­cence man­age­ment

Provided at the Pass­ive House Portal:

Sup­port re­quest

Provided at the Pass­ive House Portal: